Blazing Dragon Tiger Live (OnAir Entertainment)


The universe of live casino gaming can be wild, complicated place!

With so many options for gamblers – both in terms of the titles and styles of games available, and in terms of where to play – the opportunities can be a bit dizzying at times.

That’s why the simple pleasures offered by the likes of Blazing Dragon Tiger Live can be so special. It’s the exact opposite of choices such as Craps, where the betting possibilities are seemingly endless – instead, all players have to do is predict which of the two cards will be of higher value. That’s the heart of the matter!

(Of course, there is a little bit more to it than that. For a full guide to gameplay and strategy, head over to our sister site for an in-depth guide.)

It’s fast, exciting, and not to be missed. But the fun doesn’t stop there!

RTP for the two main bets – dragon and tiger, both of which pay 1:1 – comes in at 96.27%, and the betting range goes all the way from $1.00–$1,500.00. There are no fewer than 9 side bets available (though be warned, they come with significantly reduced RTP), as well as a tie bet option, which may well be the worst of all, from a mathematical perspective.

There is a 50:1 payout available for the suited tie side bet, but it comes with an abysmal 14% edge for the house!

The overall design from relative newcomer OnAir Entertainment is very strong. They aren’t exactly a household name just yet, the way that, say, Microgaming is… but what we’ve seen from them so far is very encouraging. In addition to the strong fundamentals, they’ve added plenty of “quality of life” features, such as ‘roadmaps’ of previous bets, live chat, and a wide variety of language options for the written text (though, as of now, the dealers speak only English).

At the end of the day, all of this is icing on a very simple cake. Ultimately, bettors are wagering on a very stylish coin flip. Which means that, of course, this style of game won’t be everyone’s cup of tea…

… some players prefer more complex options!

And even those who do love it, may not wish to enjoy it for days or hours on end: many gamblers will come to this title for a good time, not for a long time.

Which is all to the good! That flexibility is just part of the charm of online casino gaming.

Whether you prefer a short or a long session, always remember to do some research before you make initial deposits!

Making sure to play at the best casinos available is never to be underestimated – taking full advantage of bonuses and loyalty programs is a crucial part of successful strategy.