Casino News

What Made B.C. Lottery Gaming So Special in 2020?

British Columbia Lottery Corporation has transformed the year 2020 into a special one for many individuals interested in lottery gaming. The winners that had their lives changed for good have their lottery tickets to thank and their stories will go down in history as some of the most memorable ones on a provincial and national scale.

Bidding the year a farewell is a special time of retrospection and reminiscing on the special moments of the year. Today we are going to go over some of the most memorable lottery stories belonging to the people of British Columbia that have trusted their gut feeling before a lottery ticket purchase. Sharing their stories is what makes this game so real and attractive.


The last days of May were lucky for an individual hailing from Aldergrove, as unbelievably good news was received just before bedtime. Ronal Cumiskey is the individual who became CA$24,369,459 richer with the help of a lucky Lotto 6/49 ticket. However, what made the experience even more memorable is that he remembered to check the ticket just before bed.

The hectic daily life had him completely forgotten about the ticket he had purchased ahead of the May 27 regular draw and he remembered to do so in the evening. This is when the numbers on his ticket matched the ones drawn and he could not believe his eyes. Mr. Cumiskey checked the ticket several times before the good news finally sank in ā€“ he was British Columbiaā€™s latest lottery millionaire.

He immediately shared the good news with his girlfriend and his roommate, but the cherry on top was his call to his boss. For more than two decades he had been working for him and with one simple phone call, Mr. Cumiskey made it clear that retirement is on the table. His plans for the future at the time included a visit to Pearl Harbor and the East Coast of Canada.

Lottery Winners

Another grand prize coming British Columbiaā€™s way was once again possible with the help of the popular Lotto 6/49 offering. It amounted to CA$6 million and four co-workers celebrated their joint win soon after the October 31 draw. Heewon (Theresa) Choi, Melanie Nolan, as well as two other employees of the Royal Columbia Hospital, celebrated the spooky season with a grand windfall.

The New Westminster residents have been participating in lottery gaming for about 12 months when Lady Fortuna came their way. Ms. Choi was the captain of the group who purchased the winning ticket at Shoppers Drug Mart on East Columbia Street. She was also the individual who collected the grand prize and took a photo with the giant novelty cheque.

Ms. Choi scanned the winning ticket with her phone using the BCLC Lotto! App and she learned the good news that the four of them are now millionaires. However, the rest of the winners could not believe her at first. Ms. Nolan planned to donate a slice of her portion to the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.